World Password Day: Tips on How to Create Strong Password and How to Keep it Safe

Creating a strong password is the first step in protecting your digital identity from hackers and other malicious actors. With so much of our personal and professional lives conducted online, it’s essential to take password security seriously. In this blog, we’ll discuss tips on how to create a strong password and how to keep it safe.

Make your password complex

The more complex your password, the harder it is for hackers to guess or crack it. Use a combination of uppercase and lowercase letters, numbers and symbols. Avoid using common words or phrases that can easily be guessed, such as your name, birthdate, family members' names,  “password” or “123456”.

Length matters

A longer password is harder to crack than a shorter one. Aim for a password that is at least 12 characters long, but preferably longer than 12 characters; the longer the password, the more secure it is.

Don’t reuse passwords

Using the same password for multiple accounts is risky. If a hacker gets ahold of one of your passwords, they can use it to access all of your accounts. Therefore it’s essential that you use a unique password for each account you have.

Use a password manager

A password manager is a tool that helps you generate and store strong, unique passwords for all of your accounts. It takes the hassle out of remembering multiple passwords, and it ensures that each password is unique and secure.

Enable two-factor authentication 

Two-factor authentication is an extra layer of security that requires you to enter a code or use a biometric scan, in addition to your password, to access your accounts. This makes it harder for hackers to gain access to your accounts, even if they have your password.

Keep your passwords safe

Never share your passwords with anyone, and avoid writing them down. Instead, use a password manager to store your passwords securely. If you do need to write them down, keep them in a safe and secured place.

Change your password regularly

Changing your passwords regularly can help prevent hackers from accessing your accounts. Set a reminder to change your password every six months or so.

In conclusin, creating a strong password is essential to protect your digital identity. By following these tips, you can create a secure password and keep it safe. Remember to use a password manager, enable two-factor authentication, and change your password regularly to stay ahead of hackers.